New website launched

The Elland Community Events team are happy to launch this website to help promote the events organised by the team. One central place to find out what’s happening and when. And more importantly, how to take part.

Over time, we will be adding a lot more information to the website. For now, it’s a good starting point.

If you have any old photos you would like us to add to the website please get in touch.

Our next event will be Elland Carnival. There will be tonnes to do and see. We need your help! Sponsors and volunteers are needed to make the Carnival a success. If you would like to take part in the procession, perform in the afternoon on the main playing field, play music and entertain, or have a stall to sell your arts and crafts, go to our Carnival Application page for more information and application forms.

procession leader
Published On: May 5, 2023Categories: 2023

Our sponsors

We can’t run events in Elland without the help of our kind and loving sponsors. To view a full list of sponsors and how you could help please visit Our Sponsors page.

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  • rotary logo
  • Elland Round Table logo
  • bond it logo
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